The Programmer Disk
The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso
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files.c -- collect filenames
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <farstr.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "lh.h"
#include "errmes.h"
#define MAXPATH 65
int tcount, fcount;
struct fb far *fbuf;
static struct fb far *flst;
initialize pointers for
registing files
static void init_regfile(void)
fbuf = flst = NULL;
tcount = fcount = 0;
regist file name
static void regfile(char *p, char *q, char *f, long utc)
p: directory name including drive & base directory
q: partial directory name following base directory
f: file name
"d:pppp/qqqq/\0 ffff\0"
^ ^ ^
p q f
struct fb far *fp, far *fnxt;
char far *r, far *t;
if (strcmp(f, lhtmp1) == 0 || strcmp(f, lhtmp2) == 0)
return; /* temporary file ? */
if (flg_i == 0) {
char *s;
s = p;
while (*s) {
if (iskanji(*s)) s++;
else *s = toupper(*s);
if (*s) s++;
fnxt = e_farmalloc(strlen(p) + strlen(f) + sizeof(struct fb));
fnxt -> time = utc;
far_strcpy(r = fnxt -> fname, p);
far_strcpy(t = fnxt -> fpos = r + strlen(p), f);
if (flg_x) t = r + (q - p);
fnxt -> cpos = t;
for (fp = fbuf; fp != NULL; fp = fp -> nxt) {
if (far_strcmp(fp -> cpos, t) == 0) {
if (far_strcmp(fp -> fname, r) == 0) {
} else {
far_strcpy(work, t);
error(DUPFNERR, work);
/* same registing names of different files */
if (flst) {
flst -> nxt = fnxt;
} else {
fbuf = fnxt;
flst = fnxt;
flst -> nxt = NULL;
flst -> used = 0;
tcount ++;
recursive collection of files
static int travel(char *p, char *q, char *f)
p: directory name including drive & base directory
q: directory name following base directory
f: file name
"pppp/qqqq/\0 ffff\0"
^ ^ ^
p q f
struct find_t srchbuf;
char *r, *s;
int done, cnt;
if (f) strupr(f);
cnt = 0;
convdelim(p, pathdelim);
done = _dos_findfirst(p, 0x17, &srchbuf); /* search the first file */
convdelim(p, DELIM);
s = backpath(q);
while (! done) {
if (!(srchbuf.attrib & 0x06) || flg_a) {
if (srchbuf.attrib & 0x10) { /* if this is a sub-directory */
if (flg_r) {
if (srchbuf.name[0] != '.') {
r = stpcpy(stpcpy(s, srchbuf.name), DELIMSTR "*.*");
if (r - p > MAXPATH)
error(TOOLONGERR, p);
cnt += travel(p, q, f);
/* search recursively */
*s = '\0';
} else { /* if this is a file */
if (flg_r != 1
|| *matchfname(f, srchbuf.name) == '\0')
regfile(p, q, srchbuf.name,
dos2unix((struct ftime *)&(srchbuf.wr_time)));
done = _dos_findnext(&srchbuf);
return cnt; /* number of registed files */
make file lists to append
void mklist(void)
char far *p;
char *q, *r;
int cnt, Nfile;
struct pat far *pt;
char fname[13];
Nfile = 0;
for (pt = pbuf -> nxt; pt != NULL; pt = pt -> nxt) {
p = pt -> pname;
r = work;
if (p[1] == ':') { /* if file name includes drive */
far_strcpy(r, p); /* ignore base directory */
r += 2; /* don't regist drive name */
} else {
if ((uchar)*p != DELIM) {
r = (char *)far_stpcpy(r, pt -> bdir);
} else if (*(pt -> bdir) && (pt -> bdir)[1] == ':') {
far_strcpy(r, pt -> bdir);
r += 2;
far_strcpy(r, p);
if ((q = strchr(work, '+')) != NULL) {
strcpy(q, "*.*");
q = getfilename(work);
if (flg_r == 1) { /* /r+ mode */
strcpy(fname, q);
strcpy(q, "*.*");
cnt = travel(work, r, fname);
} else {
if (flg_r == 2) { /* /r2 mode */
if (*q == '.')
strcat(r, DELIMSTR "*.*");
cnt = travel(work, r, NULL);
Nfile += pt -> cnt = cnt;
struct fb far *searchfile(char *path)
struct fb far *fp;
for (fp = fbuf; fp != NULL; fp = fp -> nxt) {
if (far_strcmp(path, fp -> cpos) == 0){
fp -> used = 1;
return fp;
return NULL;